Car mechanics, mechatronics and technicians visiting TraCK in Düren
On 2 days, 4 October and 24 October, apprentices and their teachers and trainers visited the TraCK Automotive Training Center of the Aachen Chamber of Skilled Crafts.
On Friday, October 04, 2019, a group of 34 motor vehicle apprentices from the vocational school HAST from Hasselt visited the training center in Düren, Germany and had to find out about the latest training methods and techniques in the field of automobiles. It was a realistic exchange of experience, not only among the young people, but also with the teachers as specialist.
In this context, the group also became the Erasmus + project
“eVET” and for registration the “eVET portal”, which met with great interest. Here you could immediately get to know the meaning and the benefits of this portal on the spot.
Another group of trainees visited on 24 October 2019. These were also apprentices in the first year of training from Heerlen of “VISTA College”, formal Arcus College.
This group of 28 students and 3 teachers also worked intensively on the eVET portal and wanted to immediately register all of them on the portal.
All groups hope a sustainability added value from this eVET portal for their further professional training and the opportunity to gain experience in other European countries in order to be fit for the European market.
For information on how to get about the eVET project in general and working in the portal in a very specific case, here are the links: