“CNC Machine Operator in ECVET” (CNCVET) Leonardo da Vinci Mobiliteit Project

(Leonardo da Vinci – Vetpro) Binnen dit project hebben Stichting Europese Beroepsopleidingen (Stichting EB) met verschillende Turkse partners de volgende doelen gerealiseerd op het gebied van ECVET (European Credit Transfer…

Lees verder“CNC Machine Operator in ECVET” (CNCVET) Leonardo da Vinci Mobiliteit Project

Leonardo da Vinci Partnership project call 2011 “Euregionale Kooperation in der Beruflichen Bildung (EKOBB)”

In this partnership project the main aims were to build a network for structural co-operation between the educations “Retail Trade” of the partner institutions, exchanges of teachers and pupils and…

Lees verderLeonardo da Vinci Partnership project call 2011 “Euregionale Kooperation in der Beruflichen Bildung (EKOBB)”